LEO weekend
The annual ELO weekend will take place on the weekend of 8 and 9 June. Elo stands for Euros Levitas Okawa, All the student canoe asociations in the netherlands. We will have a weekend with our sister associations.
This year Leiden Levitas will organize it. In previous editions we went kayak-surfing on the beach, Vlatwater games, a Hare & Hounds, and of course the annual ELO championships. Here we will battle for the student canoepolo trophy, which we lost previous year to Levitas.
It is always a very nice weekend where you will meet other associations with her members, city, traditions and trainings.
Besides the ELO weekend there is a polo tournament the day after. The Rijnland-Pinkstertournament. This is a single day event which is very beginner friendly, but also nice for more experienced canoepolo players. Since it is very close to Levitas, it is very nice to combine this.